Going through a lot of old files I found these, once very prized works of "art" now lies beneath a years worth of dust.
Instructions were to make thematic "designs" / "prints" by material manipulation.
The Aim of the exercise was to open our minds to think beyond the concepts, I believe. Not too successful with me at any rate. But I still cant understand the purpose of using fevicol, burnt effect over it, marbling (practically anything under the sun) to make prints. Half these prints cannot possibly be printed on fabric and for the ones that can actually be replicated, i have not so far seen any industry encouraging such means of designing. So, while my age old debate with the system will continue. let me explain the concept down here.
Many theme boards, mood boards, bored boards, tantrums later I did pass the module. But I was then a textile designer who couldnt make a design on fabric. Many explanations and justifications later, I failed the interview!!
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