Thursday, 10 April 2014

To an estranged brother who hated her husband

Hello there little brother, she said
I know you wont read this , she cried, that's precisely why I write.

For all these years in many occasions and situations I wrote to you, each time remembering the first letter in the broken hand that you had written to me. I still have it tucked somewhere, buried in the layers of time among everything else. You never replied I still wrote, thinking no replies meant different than not caring. I had had my doubts but they told me blood was thicker than water, then they told me distance had nothing to do with relations. I agreed

Today I disagree. Today I refuse to believe that you love me, I dont know if you ever did. Its natural isn't it not to care much since we have never really known each other, since we have always lived apart. But you know I wrote, I got at most one liners but I wrote. But they told me that's not how it works you are family and family loves!! I believed again. I never expected but only believed. Now my belief is shattered. You indifference I would have been prepared for. But not for hatred.

I donot understand how can you so much hate some one you donot know, you never bothered to understand, you never replied to. Its a difference in values and ideals in life, but there shouldn't be such a difference in willingness to love!

Its expected of me to love you unconditionally even when you are indifferent and cold. But it is not correct for me to associate with and love someone who is warm and affectionate? No you are wrong!! Donot think of discarding me from the family, I refuse your world of pretense and falsehood!! I refuse to believe in what they say anymore. I choose to believe in love beyond the precincts of castes, class, systems and blood!!